Product Support

Confirming that the Correct Security Key is Installed

  1. Close any programs that are open on the computer.

  2. Open ALLDATA® Repair (DVD).

  3. Click on Data >> Subscription >> Subscription Information.

  4. The pop-up box lists the security key ID at the top.

  5. Compare the ID number displayed in the pop-up box to the 7-digit number listed on the white sticker on your security key.

    • Click HERE for information about security keys and to see what they look like.

  6. If the number matches, the correct key is plugged in. 

  7. If the number does NOT match, check to see if two keys are plugged in to the same computer.

    • Hint: Sometimes both a USB-style key and a printer (parallel) port key are mistakenly installed on the same computer.

Note: EACH computer that has ALLDATA Repair (DVD) installed needs to have a security key installed.  Every computer and security key in the shop will all share the same number.

See also: